Inspired by Saint Augustine

Friends of Augustine

The Friends of Augustine are a lay community who are officially associated with the International Religious Order of Saint Augustine and who are inspired by his way of life.

Community for all

We are a small part of an international movement which has been meeting since the first Augustinian Lay Congress in Rome in 1999. These meetings are made up of the many other lay groups around the world who are associated with the Augustinians.

We meet on a monthly basis at Clare Priory, where our community is based.

                         International Congress of Lay Augustinians. 10-15th  July 2024.                                       ‘Walking together in communion, participation and mission.’ 

This was the 25th year since the first gathering of Augustinian Laity. There were representatives from many countries of most provincesaround the world…Australia, Philippines, North America, Africa, South America:- Venezuela,Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Chile; Mexico, Dominican Republic, Europe. From theEuropean region: Spain, Malta, Italy, Czech Republic, Netherlands, England. Inall 100 participants. We were welcomed by Fr Edward Daleng, OSA and Fr Alexander Lam Alania OSA, and accommodated at the Collegio Santa Monica which is just across the road from St Peter’s Square. The hospitality was amazing and nothing was too much trouble.    It was a real privilege to be

 The first day July 11th  - Communion.We learned a lot about listening to each other, and about discernment, which should be dependent on listening to the Holy Spirit. The process was very much along the lines of Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality. The Synodal process has Mary as a guide to authentic Synodality: a prayerful presence, listening, meditative of events and listeningto the Holy Spirit, and sharing in thanksgiving. Audience participation took place and discussion in small groups. The talks were in English or Spanish with interpreters to help us. Think of the Trinity, where there is unity indiversity. That we all move forward, the ordained, and the lay people, together.

The second day July 12th  - Participation There were sessions on the Statutes for the Augustinian Lay Faithful, an instrument for the path of synodality. They had been drawn up to better link LayAugustinians around the world between them and with the Order of St Augustine, bringing down communication barriers. The Statutes were drawn up and comments were sought from all the Augustinian laity around the world; they were approved on 20 June 2023 ad experimentum, until the next General Chapter of the Order, due to take place in June 2025, where hopefully they will be approved on a permanent basis.  The Prior General, Fr Alejandro Moral Anton OSA, was very hopeful and encouraging that we should continue to grow as a united group,as a family of Augustinians.  

The third day July 15th - Mission In our regional groups there was sharing of challenges, and initiatives taking place. For the European group: For the Laity: to have more contact among us, at least online. ?IG/FB account from which to share what is happening in our communities. For mission, the help from prayer to promote it.     A place to share materials and resources for Augustinians.For the Augustinians: to include on theAugustinian website information about the Laity: Fund for expenses: Each groupto have a named Augustinian friar: Formation for the laity, resources that can be used in Groups: increase the diversity of the groups to reflect the multicultural society in which we live: Give voice to the laity in the regional meetings of the superiors. For all: Intermediate meeting of the laity even if by regions, every three years.

 Each day began with the prayer, Lauds. Evening prayer, Vespers, was followed by Mass said in English or Spanish on alternate days. There was wonderful music provided by different groups. So full of joy! Mass on Sunday was presided by the Prior General, and on Monday by Cardinal Robert Provost OSA. As a group we were invited into St Peter’s Square on Sunday to pray the Angelus with Pope Francis who gave us a special mention.  There was a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Nicholas of Tolentino, born in 1245. The shrine is full of beautiful frescos on episodes in Jesus’l ife, and of miracles attributed to St Nicholas. A recent earthquake had damaged some walls of the building which were supported by scaffolding.There was opportunity to visit the Basilica of the Mother of GoodCounsel, in Genazzano, where the original fresco resides. A remarkable place,very special, very moving. It was really encouraging and uplifting to learn of the numbers involved in the various fraternities especially in South America. The socialevening brought the different countries out with items and mementos reflecting their culture. There was lively music and dancing too! The gala dinner on the last evening in the garden of Santa Monica was very good! The whole congress felt very alive with the Holy Spirit, and goodwill of everyone present. A wonderful experience.                                                                                       Luis Arana, FrancesMassey, Chris Gent. Gloria Okemuo


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